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Z-Oil Change Maintenance Document Folder, 250set

Price: Call for pricing or to place an order.
Item Number: Z01-01-092


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Conveniently holds important auto related documents while advertising your company name. There are areas to print your company logo/crest, address and telephone numbers.
Size:  4 1/2" x 10 1/4" closed. Service record form on pocket. List up to 18 services on flap.
Printing:  Stock design prints in Red 185 and black ink. Your imprint copy prints in BLACK.
Imprint Area:  Up to six lines of copy typeset FREE. Standard typestyles will be used unless other specific instructions are given. Service list is also included where indicated. Eps file required if submitting your own art or logos.
Stock:   Available on Bright White Felt stock only.
Pkg Size: 250/set

***This item has been discontinued but we have alternative products for a competitive price. Please call for more information.***